A Great Looking Read: Cardon Webb and Sam Potts

Who doesn’t love when a series of books has a secret design trick up its sleeve? Sometimes, when you get the whole set assembled, you find the spines line up to reveal a panorama. In the case of this set, written by Oliver Sacks, designer Cardon Webb took a different approach.

Since these books are not a series, unless you were an avid reader of Oliver Sacks you might never realize what a treat his books are all together. To see more of Cardon’s work, take a look at this (pink and green arrows below the alphabet to navigate). There are a variety of projects on the Cardon Design site, including some looks at book binding and hand-drawn type face… So explore!


You can also take a look at a similar book-puzzle style done by Sam Potts for a series of natural history/science books by Stephen Jay Gould. Sam Potts has done quote a spread of work, including multiple covers for John Hodgman books and CD jackets for They Might Be Giants.