Dennis J. Whelan, mayor of Troy, was born in Ireland September 1, 1846. He was brought to this country and to Troy when only four years old, and here he has ever since made his home…
…In 1876 Mr. Whelan threw down his plumbers’ tools and began the manufacture of soda water and other temperance drinks. This venture was successful. He is still in the business and occupies a large establishment at Nos. 104 and 106 Jefferson Street.
…In 1886 he was chosen mayor, and he has since held that office. The crowning act of his successful administration of municipal affairs came in the spring of 1889, when, through his patient efforts, a Citizens’ Association was organized and a bill passed in the Legislature authorizing the expenditure of $850,000 for public improvement.
Want to know more about Irish-American’s of Troy like Dennis J. Whelan? Pick up a copy of the Troy Book Maker’s newest historic reprint: Representative Young Irish-Americans of Troy, NY –just in time for St. Patrick’s Day!