John F. Barry was born in this city September 14, 1859, the son of John and Johanna Barry. He obtained his education in the public schools. For two years he worked as a messenger boy in the office of the Western Union Telegraph Company in this city.
…He is the secretary of the Grocers’ and Butchers’ Association, is interested in the Pioneer Building-Loan Association, is a past member of the Y.M.F.M.T.A.B. Society and for eight years was a member of Typographical Union, No. 52.
…They have three interesting children, two boys and a girl. Mr. Barry is one of the leading grocers of the city and commands the confidence of the business public.
Want to know more about Irish-American’s of Troy like John F. Barry? Pick up a copy of the Troy Book Maker’s newest historic reprint: Representative Young Irish-Americans of Troy, NY –just in time for St. Patrick’s Day!